Professional Speaker

Peter Legge was born to be on the stage. A masterful wit with an entertainer’s impeccable sense of timing, Peter has a real gift for connecting with audiences. His distinctive approach to inspiring and motivating audiences involves teaching valuable lessons through memorable stories taken from everyday life and business. Peter’s ability to convey empowering messages with warmth and humour have earned him the professional speaking community’s highest honours.

Peter has received the Golden Gavel Award from Toastmasters International and was voted “Top Speaker in North America.” Peter has been presented with two Honorary Doctor of Laws Degrees – one from Simon Fraser University in 2003, and the other from Royal Roads University in 2009. In 2010, Peter received an Honorary Doctorate of Technology from BCIT.

In 2003, the Canadian Professional Sales Association inducted Peter into the Sales Hall of Fame. Peter has also been inducted into the Speakers Hall of Fame by both the National Speakers Association in the United States and the Canadian Association of Professional Speakers, and was appointed as one of the Ambassadors for the 2010 Winter Olympic Games.

Peter travels worldwide speaking to approximately 60-70 organizations annually. His twenty books including, The Power to Soar Higher, The Power of a Dream and most recently The Power of Tenacity have moved thousands of people towards positive change. He is recognized as a community leader in this province, and in fact, in June of 2008, was presented with the highest honour in community achievement, the Order of British Columbia.

To be a winner in life and in business you must act like a winner, and what better way to do that than to emulate the habits of highly successful people.



Speaker, bestselling author and community leader

Peter Legge immediately had everyone’s attention with his gripping, high-spirited presentation. His wisdom, wit and passion kept me on the edge of my seat as he candidly shared humorous anecdotes and life lessons with unparalleled enthusiasm. His clarity and forthrightness were as compelling as his warmth and generous nature. I was thoroughly impressed with his remarkable ability to connect with people of all generations

– Jeff Dircks, Leaders of Tomorrow Mentorship Program

Keynote Addresses

The Runway of Life

Life, like a runway, is limited in length. Let Peter Legge show you how to make the most of it and live your dreams with his life-changing Runway of Life lessons. An award-winning businessman, professional speaker and best-selling author, Peter uses a series of inspiring, entertaining stories, conveyed with disarming warmth and good humor, to show you how to…

  • Dream big and set goals, because the first step to achieving a dream is having one.
  • Discover your talents and your purpose. When the two intersect there is no limit as to what you can achieve.
  • Embrace entrepreneurship and learn how everything you do – even the efforts that fail – propels you toward success.
  • Read for success and use the wisdom of successful people to enhance your own life.
  • Harness the dynamic qualities of enthusiasm, a positive attitude and unshakable tenacity.
  • Use your time effectively to gain the greatest rewards.

Best Audience

General audiences, associations, middle management

27 Success Habits Winning Ways: Developing Million-Dollar Habits For Success

To be a winner in life and in business you must act like a winner, and what better way to do that than to emulate the habits of highly successful people. Let internationally renowned businessman, best-selling author and acclaimed professional speaker Peter Legge be your guide. A born storyteller with an entertainer’s wit and sense of timing, Peter takes audiences on an inspirational journey through 27 simple and easy-to-implement habits that cumulatively have the power to change your life and your fortunes. During this unique seminar, supported by a hands-on workbook, Peter will help you…

  • Learn the importance of goal setting and focusing on your strengths.
  • Commit to “doing what it takes” to get the job done.
  • Discover the power of an optimistic outlook and prosperous mindset.
  • Learn how to practice more self-discipline.
  • Find out how to gain strength from adverse situations.

Let Peter show you the 27 things you need to do to be the million-dollar success you were born to be.

Best Audience

General audiences, associations, middle management

Taking on the Giant: How to Meet the Challenges of Leadership

The leadership role, whether at the head of a family or at the helm of a major corporation, brings with it many challenges, rewards and responsibilities. Peter Legge, president and CEO of Canada Wide Media Limited. (the largest independently owned publishing company in Western Canada), knows what it takes to be a successful leader. His more than 40 years of first-hand business experience form the core of this powerful, often funny and always entertaining seminar on what it takes to be effective in the leadership role. Topics covered in this examination of leadership include how to:

  • Take control of the leadership role in your organization.
  • Model positive work habits that set the standard for your staff.
  • Establish ground rules to create a solid corporate foundation.
  • Enhance your leadership skills.
  • Motivate your staff to achieve greater levels of excellence.

This seminar is invaluable for both serving leaders and those who aspire to a leadership role.

Best Audience

Middle to senior management, entrepreneurs.

Make Your Life a Masterpiece: Take Control of Your Canvas of Life For Success!

Creating your masterpiece takes courage and the belief that you have a gift to offer the world. It also takes self-mastery and a winning attitude! Peter Legge is a masterful leader in business and in life. He is the bestselling author of Make Your Life a Masterpiece and is an internationally sought-after professional speaker. With the warmth and humour Peter is world renowned for, he artfully draws from his own canvas to deliver the ideas and attitudes you need to create your own masterpiece.

Learn how your distinctive style and one-of-a-kind experience is key to being the master of your own destiny. Understand that while your circumstances may determine the colours that you have to work with, the choices that you make day-to-day are in fact, the brushstrokes that will define what your masterpiece looks like. Peter’s Masterpiece presentation offers a palate of timeless lessons and entertaining stories from his book including:

  • Choose to be a life-long optimist.
  • Commit to excellence.
  • Take the time to build your relationships.
  • Make every moment count.
  • Feed your mind.
  • Serve the community.
It's Not Enough To Do Things Right, Do The Right Things: Leadership Principles for Life, Business and Success

What are you doing today to become the leader you want to be?

Peter Legge learned at a very early age that leadership is never given, but rather taken and based on the important principles instilled in his youth, Peter has developed a proven track record as both a leader and a mentor to others. His company, Canada Wide Media Limited is a Canadian success story – celebrating 35 years in business without ever having lost money. Under his leadership Canada Wide has established a track record for success that is the envy of many businesses.

“Given the fact that 50 per-cent of all new businesses fail in the first year, 50 per-cent of the remaining 50 per-cent fail in the second year and 50 per-cent of those left fail in the third, it is my father’s lessons that have helped Canada Wide Media to be a successful company for 35 years,” explains Peter. In that time, we have never lost money – ever! And we have an impeccable reputation and respect in the community”.

Let Peter share with you seven principles that have worked for him:

  • Being resourceful, inventive and creative and doing what is required.
  • Carefully choosing the five people you spend the most time with.
  • Living every day with passion, a positive attitude and purpose.
  • Seeking out mentors who will teach, encourage and guide you to success.
  • Serving the community – giving back infinitely more than you take.
  • Setting big goals.
  • Guarding your integrity.

Master painter and sculptor Michelangelo once said, “And yet I am still learning.” Who will you learn from so that your life, your business and the success that you’ve dreamed of becomes your masterpiece?

Embrace entrepreneurship and learn how everything you do – even the efforts that fail – propels you toward success

Booking Information

Bureaus & Planners

We understand that planning an event is a huge amount of work.

As important as it is that Peter does a good job for you on the platform, we believe it is just as important for him to do a good job for you off of it – and part of that is being easy to work with. That is our commitment to you


We will work with you to establish the best equipment requirements for both Peter and your audience, but generally Peter uses the following:

  • Wireless lapel microphone for groups larger than 50.
  • A 4 by 6 skirted table at the back of the room for books sales & signing if applicable.
  • A raised platform with lectern set to the right of center is preferred but not required.

Video Recording

Many clients like to film Peter’s presentations for internal or non commercial purposes. If this is the case, please feel free to record Peter’s session and let us know ahead of time so that he can do his part to make sure your recording is a success. All we ask is that a master copy be made available to us after the event.

Speaking Topics


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Travel and Lodging

Peter’s speaking fees do not include travel. Please contact Elaina Kohlhauser to discuss travel arrangements. Please book a non-smoking room if hotel accommodation is required. Peter will make his own arrangements for travel to and from the airport unless you would prefer to arrange for his pick-up and delivery.

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Book Peter

To have Peter Legge speak at your meeting, conference or function and for all other enquiries, use this form or contact us directly 

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Our Address

Peter Legge Management Company Ltd.
230, 4321 Still Creek Dr, Burnaby, BC
Canada V5C 6S7

For Media, Press & Event Inquiries

(604) 473-0332

For General Inquiries

(604) 299-7311

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