Presentation skills expert and past president of National Speakers Association endorses  “Under The Influence”,   latest book of internationally acclaimed speaker and bestselling author Dr. Peter Legge, OBC.

Named  “one of the 10 most electrifying speakers in North America” by Meetings and Conventions magazine, Patricia, very much like Peter,   has numerous speaking awards  under  her belt namely, Certified Speaking Professional (CSP), CPAE, Hall of Fame keynote speaker, and the Cavett Award (considered the Oscar of speaking).   Patricia is a past president, and the first female president, of the over 3,500-member National Speakers Association.   She is a member of the highly prestigious Speakers Roundtable, an invitation-only group of highly regarded professional speakers, authors, and consultants.

Hence,  Peter appreciates her generous endorsement of  his latest book.   Under The Influence aims to inspire  you to reflect; evaluate the influences you’ve allowed — and are still allowing– to shape your life,  and to consider the example you’re setting for the people who are learning from you.

Here’s what Patricia Fripp says about the book: “Under The Influence is another example of how thoughtful and inspiring Peter Legge’s books are.  His idea that ‘your reputation enters the room before you do’ challenges us to look at ways we positively influence others.  Just from reading chapter one I have committed to be more thoughtful about how I influence others; you will too.”

Know how influence shapes the person you become.  Get a copy of Under The Influence here

Patricia Fripp


Peter Legge at Hour of Power Org

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